An incoming batsman must be ready to face a ball or be at the non-strikers end with his partner within three minutes of the outgoing batsman being dismissed. If this is not done the incoming batsman can be given out. Another uncommon case is of hitting the ball twice. As per the game of cricket, if a batsman hits a ball twice other than for the purpose of protecting his wicket or with consent from the opposition he is out as well as a batsman is out if he willingly obstructs the opposition by word or action. There are many other cricket rules. However these are most of the basics and will get you well on your way to playing the game or betting on the game.
Now since you know mostly all the rules wherein the batsman can get out, you can now bet your money on batsman or bowler, whatever you feel like. To get some cricket betting tips free, you can log in at selected sites and then make money out of it. It is always good to learn the basics first and then proceed to knowing the advanced levels of cricket game and cricket betting. And all this has been now made easier with the help of cricket learning and cricket betting sites.